Chain of Success

Without clear financial goals and alignment from the executive offices to the workforce, organizational levels can unwarily work toward different goals, resulting in higher costs, less output and compromised safety. RMG uses this tool to develop a business case and justification for embarking on an improvement initiative.
Connecting these important links can bring clarity to an operation and benefits to its bottom line; A “Chain of Success”.
Asset Reliability Work Management
Work Processes
- Asset Strategic Plan Development
- Work Management Business Processes
- Project Management
- Asset Performance Analysis
- Asset Financial Analysis
- Asset Improvement
Metrics Demonstrating Process Utilization and Efficiency
Process Results
- Strategic Financial Indicators
- Work Schedule Compliance
- PM/PdM Compliance
- Asset Cost v Projected
- Op Envelope Compliance
- Asset Availability/Reliability
- # Initiatives Identified & Completed
- Asset Replacement Plan
Process Metric Results
Work Results
- Decreased Repair Costs
- Workforce Productivity Increased
- Decreased Asset Cost
- Lower Project Overruns
- # Asset Replacement v Plan
- Asset Uptime/Production Increased
Financial Results
Business Results
- Increased Organization Profits
- Lower O & M Costs
- Increased Asset Yield (Production)