Industrial Safety & Risk Management
At RMG we believe that the root cause of safety process and system reliability is human reliability. Our “boots on the ground” approach to implementation recognizes that the bottom-line results are only captured if the people on the floor make it happen.
Our safety and risk management philosophies come from the most challenging operating environments, including nuclear power, refining, and military aviation. Our experts have the practical, cross-functional experience as managers to tailor these concepts and programs to meet your needs.
RMG defines safety excellence success as aligning actual behavior with best practices, policies, and procedures in order to provide the safest possible work environment.

RMG applies a multi-faceted approach that:
- Assesses the current state of your safety program and culture using proactive methods proven in the most dangerous working environments in the world
- Identifies the obstacles and gaps and help find the safest, most effective ways to close the job perception gap
- Provides proactive tools to enable you to monitor, change, and control your safety attitudes and work practices
RMG applies proven tools and techniques for change:
- Proactive, data-driven change program tailored to your operation
- Involving key personnel at the right time to gain employee support
- Face-to-face training and coaching at all levels
- Realistic matching of procedures and practices
- Reinforcement and sustainment techniques for supervisors and managers
- Coaching and training matrices that document key coaching topics
- Enabling better communication, coordination, awareness, and flexibility
As Masters of Implementation, we work with the client to create a practical solution and remain on site to train, coach, and continue improvement until the client is ready to sustain the program on their own. We deploy a practical, individually tailored approach versus costly, unnecessary, often unattainable ISO, Lean, or Six Sigma type approaches. We take philosophies from the most challenging operations and tailor them to a program appropriate to the risk environment and client requirements.
We deploy advanced safety and reliability concepts to achieve proactive safety without undue burden on operations. Our personnel possess deep cross-functional, real-world management experience versus narrow specialists. This allows RMG to address safety is much more holistic way than other safety specific organizations.
Safety Program Grid